Marvelous Venice

“When I seek another word for music,
I never find any other word than Venice.” 
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Venive, Italy, CozyMedley

Let Venetian-born composers take you back in time to the Baroque era
Venice flourished as a musical center and its rich musical heritage plays a major role in the history of Western music.

Venice, Italy, CozyMedley

Giovanni Gabrieli (ca. 1553-1612) highlighted the possibilities of dynamic contrasts and was the first one to indicate them (piano and forte):

The famed Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was a music master in schools for orphaned girls. Much of his huge amount of compositions was written for school concerts and attracted audiences from all over Europe:

A gondola in Venice, Italy, CozyMedley

Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751) is known today mostly for the popular piece,
“Adagio for organ and strings”, but its attribution to Albinoni is in doubt.
Here is another Adagio composed by Albinoni, without any doubt:

With millions of visitors, it might be challenging to experience a relaxed visit in Venice. Read how to avoid the crowds at

Venice, Italy, CozyMedley

If you’re in a romantic mood, enjoy the sweetest courting song In Our Nest
Music by 3 more great composers awaits you in our post: The Three B’s
For more Italian music, hop into our posts: Laundry Day and Jingle Bells Arrivederci!

Sunset in Venice, Italy, CozyMedley