
Life is not just black and white
Zaandam, The Netherlands, @noyavramov


Life is not just black and white
(nor beige).
Let’s celebrate all colors and live colorfully:


Celebrate all colors
Photo: Karen Jaffe

Yellow, Green, Blue
Which color do you like the best?
“Colours” by Donovan:

Craft the rainbow
               Craft the rainbow
Craft the rainbow
                  Photos: Karen Jaffe 






Russian pianist and composer Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915)
experimented with the combination of music and colors (Synaesthesia).
Was he ahead of his time?
SEE SCRIABIN! is an up-to-date performance achieving his vision:

This Hong Kong Ballet video is so colorful, it will make you change
your mind about ballet dancing being all in white tutus and black tights:

A rainbow, CozyMedley
     “I see your true colors shining through …          True colors are beautiful like a rainbow

“True Colors” performed by Cyndi Lauper
Lyrics & Music: Billy Steinberg & Tom Kelly

Photo: Karen Jaffe

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