Rhapsody in Blue

Blue skies, CozyMedley

“Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies do I see …”
Lyrics & Music: Irving Berlin (1888-1989) 

Blue skies over Lake Tahoe, CozyMedley

Don’t feel blue, enjoy Willie Nelson’s 1978 version of Berlin’s song,
originally written in 1926:

Blue Jay, CozyMedley
     “Blue birds singing a song …” (I. Berlin)

Blue was a precious color in ancient times and today it is the most
commonly used color all over the world.

A ladybug on blue jeans, CozyMedleyItalian composer Paolo Conte associates old world atmosphere
with a dark shade of blue, “En Bleu Marine”:

En Bleu Marine from conte_official on Vimeo.

The most famous clarinet solo appears in the beloved “Rhapsody in Blue”
by George Gershwin (1898-1937). Watch 
Leonard Bernstein conduct the
New York Philharmonic and 
play the piano solo:


“Rhapsody in Blue” Grand Piano:                  The limited edition Steinway & Sons grand piano that was built in 1998 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of George Gershwin. via: nmc.ca/collections

Enjoy another rhapsody: Bohemian Rhapsody
For more shades of blue, visit our post: La mer
La mer, CozyMedley