Purple Blossom


A purple flower

Purple flowers
Photos: Karen Jaffe

A purple flower


Since ancient times, the graceful violet flower symbolizes love and faithfulness. So is implied in “Le violette” from the baroque era:

Lyrics: Adriano Morselli Music: Alessandro Scarlatti
Scarlatti (1660-1725) was an Italian composer, known for his operas
and his two composer sons.
You can find “Le violette” and its English translation at www.8notes.com

Purple Blossom

“Lilacs” by Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
is so delicate and airy, it makes you fall into a purple daydream:

Photo: Karen Jaffe

Did you know that bees can see purple better than any other color?
Imagine you’re standing in a lavender field and all you hear is the sound
of a light wind and buzzing bees …

Lavender, CozyMedley


Learn why bees prefer purple flowers

For more blooming themes, visit our posts:
Red is The Rose and The Power of Wildflowers