Make an Entrance

Cozy cottage in Ireland, CozyMedley
                   Welcome, come on in!

Make an Entrance, CozyMedley

Whichever style of entrance you favor for your home,
it’s always nice to welcome guests as royalty!
Greet your guests with George Frideric Handel’s lively music –
“The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba” from his oratorio “Solomon” (1748):

Make an Entrance, CozyMedley

Make an Entrance, CozyMedley






Or set a comic mood inspired by the Overture
of Mozart’s witty opera, “The Marriage of Figaro” (1786):

The overture, a musical opening, serves as an introduction to the opera,
and creates a feeling of anticipation. In Mozart’s times, however, many in
the audience were not focusing on the music, but rather on social matters, such as who made an entrance into the theater!

The Royal Opera of Versailles, France, CozyMedley

The most unforgettable entrance is your childhood home’s entryway,
where “these hand prints on the front steps are mine…”
Lyrics & Music: Tom Douglas & Allen Shamblin

“The House That Built Me”

Make an Entrance

If you dream of living in the country, tour our post: Barns & Owls
Handle with care more music by Handel: Into the Woods,
Let’s Be Friends, and All the Way to Dublin