Let’s Dance


Let’s follow David Bowie’s words:
“Let’s dance to the song they’re
playing on the radio …”

No need to put on dancing shoes and dancing skills are not required,

just join in as you are. Let the music lift your spirit and get loose:
Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)

There is no age limit for dancing. Take off your jacket and learn from 
the great Anthony Quinn:

Warning: your body may start moving from the very first minute:
Danzón No. 2 by Arturo Márquez (b. 1950)

“When we dance, our mind rests …
Our heart forgets its pains;

sorrows dissolve as if by magic.” 
Read how dancing can be good for our body and soul
at www.healthguidance.org by Justin Williamson

Dancing is a fun way to exercise, so whether you dance at home or with a local dancing group, keep dancing and discover the joy of dance!

Twirl into our previous posts:
Get energized with a Hungarian-Gypsy dance in Bohemian Rhapsody
Tap with the RIVERDANCE All the Way to Dublin
Join a barn party in Barns & Owls
Skip to an Italian dance in Laundry Day