

Clouds, CozyMedley
       “Rows and floes of angel hair”
Clouds, CozyMedley
       “And ice cream castles in the air …”







Lyrics & Music: Joni Mitchell
Both Sides Now”

Clouds over Lake Tahoe
     Cloud gazing is a perfect break from                              everyday tasks

Throughout his work, impressionist composer Claude Debussy
focused on nature’s inspiration. Ease any stress with one
of his earliest piano pieces “Rêverie” (Daydreaming):

Clouds are a fascinating natural wonder that we can all admire:

Mount Fuji, Japan, CozyMedley

Monte Bolettone, Italy, CozyMedley
                      Monte Bolettone, Italy                                                   Photo: Ori Zmora






The Matterhorn, Switzerland, CozyMedley
   The Matterhorn, Switzerland

Can’t watch clouds now? Let Debussy take you on an airy and unpredictable tour – in his orchestral work “Nocturnes” (1899), Debussy dedicated a section to clouds, “Nuages. Here is Claude on clouds:

Head in the clouds? Read why daydreaming is good for you
at Clouds, CozyMedley


If you are a sky watcher,
enjoy our posts:
Clair de lune and
A Night in the Desert.