A Taste of France


With so many stunning places, delicious food,
and oh so much charm everywhere,
it is impossible not to fall in love with France!

On top of that, France has a legendary musical heritage that inspired many people around the world. Join our musical tour and enjoy some highlights of France’ unique musical tradition.
Bon voyage!

CozyMedley The Hall of Mirrors, The Palace of Versailles
The famous Hall of Mirrors, The Palace of Versailles *A ballet term: an introduction for a set of dances or the initial appearance of a lead character.


On our first stop we are greeted with a grand entrée.*




Staged dancing, known as ballet, flourished in France mostly thanks to its famous patron, no other than “Sun King” Louis XIV (1643-1715) himself, who brought this form of dance into stage center:

No wonder ballet dancers twirl in “pirouette” and pairs in “pas de deux”, just to name a few of the still used French terms.

CozyMedley The Royal Opera The Palace of Versailles
The Royal Opera, The Palace of Versailles

On our next stop we leave those grandiose halls behind and go out into open air, where Impressionist artists used to look for inspiration and paint. Inspired by this artistic approach, French composers began to explore new “colors” in music. Enjoy Claude Debussy‘s
Arabesque No. 1 for piano:

A musical tour to France is not complete without the sound of a
French icon, the accordion. Even better when it accompanies another French icon, Édith Piaf:

The accordion was invented in Vienna. Read how it became a French symbol at www.completefrance.com

Did you know that the first recording device, the Phonautograph, was invented in France? It was invented by the bookseller and printer Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville in 1854!

End your day with an original “dinner and show” at the cabaret, home to the famous Can-can dance and chanson française.
CozyMedley Autumn in Paris

A classic French chanson (written between 1930 to 1965) shows a lot of focus on lyrics. Enjoy
“Les feuilles mortes” (1945) performed by
Yves Montand:

CozyMedley Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris


For more French music visit our posts: Art Notes, Clair de lune, Clouds, Gardens in the Rain,
I Will Always Love You,
Reflections in the Water,
The Power of Wildflower 


Hope you enjoyed our tour,
Merci et à bientôt!